Agouti (A Locus)
Inheritance: Complex order of dominance (Ay > aw > at > a)
aT=chr24:23009929 insertion
Ay=chr24:23041319 G>T
A=chr24:23041323 G>A
a=chr24:23041361 C>T
Breed: American Bulldog
American Bully
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
Boston Terrier
Bull Terrier
French Bulldog
Staffordshire Bull Terrier

General Information: The A locus (Agouti) influences the color pattern in a dog's coat by controlling the distribution of black (eumelanin) and red/yellow (phaeomelanin) pigments. Dogs with variations at this locus may exhibit a range of coat patterns, such as solid colors, sable, or tan points. Symptoms of this trait in dogs can include changes in coat color and pattern, which can vary greatly depending on the specific alleles present at the A locus.
Gene / Testing Information: The ASIP gene, responsible for the A locus trait, can be tested through genetic screening to determine a dog's specific allele combination. Utilizing this genetic information in breeding programs is crucial for predicting coat color outcomes in puppies. Breeders can use the results of ASIP genetic testing to select mating pairs that will produce the desired coat colors and patterns, ensuring consistency and meeting breed standards.
Dreger DL, Parker HG, Ostrander EA, Schmutz SM. Identification of a mutation that is associated with the saddle tan and black-and-tan phenotypes in Basset Hounds and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. J Hered. 2013 104(3):399-406.
Dreger DL, Schmutz SM. A SINE insertion causes the black-and-tan and saddle tan phenotypes in domestic dogs. J Hered. 2011 102 Suppl 1:S11-18.
Kerns JA, Newton J, Berryere TG, Rubin EM, Cheng JF, Schmutz SM, Barsh GS. Characterization of the dog Agouti gene and a nonagouti mutation in German Shepherd Dogs. Mamm Genome. 2004 15(10):798-808.