
Behavior Propensity in Belgian Malinois

Behavior Propensity in Belgian Malinois

Affected Genes: SLC6A3

Inheritance: Recessive Inheritance

chr34:15753734: insertion AAAAAAAAAAAA

Breed: Malinois

General Information: Behavior propensity in dogs, particularly related to reward-seeking, impulsivity, and response to novel environments, is influenced by the genetic expression of the SLC6A3 gene. This gene, responsible for dopamine transport, plays a role in the regulation of impulsivity, anxiety, and stress response. Variation in the polyadenylation (polyA) tail of SLC6A3 has been linked to different behavioral expressions, with certain lengths associated with higher impulsivity and reactivity. These behaviors can start to manifest early, particularly in settings that stimulate curiosity or stress, such as unfamiliar environments or in social interactions with new dogs or humans.

How to Read Your Dog's Results for this Trait:

A22/A22 Likely Higher Impulsivity and Reactivity: Likely to exhibit more impulsive or high-energy responses, especially in new environments or situations involving novel stimuli. This may include jumping, vocalizing, or exploring without inhibition when encountering unfamiliar dogs or objects.

A0/A22, A10/A22 Possibly Higher Impulsivity and Reactivity: Possible to show impulsive or energetic responses in new environments or around new dogs, though may respond more moderately depending on other environmental and training factors.

A0/A0, A0/A10, A10/A10 Likely Lower Impulsivity and Reactivity: Unlikely to show impulsive or excitable responses to novel stimuli or new dogs. Typically more reserved or calm in new settings and less prone to impulsive reactions.

Lit L, Belanger JM, Boehm D, Lybarger N, Oberbauer AM. Differences in behavior and activity associated with a poly(a) expansion in the dopamine transporter in Belgian Malinois. PLoS One 2013 Dec 23;8(12):e82948.