Dominant Black (K Locus)
Affected Genes: CBD103
Inheritance: Autosomal Dominant
KB=chr16:54487804-54487806 3 bp deletion CCC
Breed: All

General Information: Depending on the variant(s) of the CBD103 gene present it will/will not allow melanin syhtesis by the A locus causing eitheer a black dog (KB) or coloring through the A locus (ky)
Gene / Testing Information: Genetic testing of the CBD103 gene for the KB variant will determine whether a dog is a genetic Carrier of agouti gene expression. Located just below the E/e Locus on the known canine coat color genetic interaction flowchart, the K locus is important to understanding whether or not a dog will express agouti traits in its coat color or if it can pass on agouti expression to its offspring. Dogs with one or two copies of KB will not express agouti coat colors (sable/fawn, tricolor, black and tan, or tan points) and their coat color would be solid in pigmented areas as determined by the E and B genes. However, dogs with a ky/ky genotype allow agouti expression and can produce puppies with sable/fawn, tricolor, or tan points depending on the genotypes present at the A locus.
Candille SI, Kaelin CB, Cattanach BM, Yu B, Thompson DA, Nix MA, Kerns JA, Schmutz SM, Millhauser GL, Barsh GS. A β-defensin mutation causes black coat color in domestic dogs. Science. 2007 318(5855):1418-1423.
Everts RE, Rothuizen J, van Oost BA. Identification of a premature stop codon in the melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor gene (MC1R) in Labrador and Golden retrievers with yellow coat color. Animal Genetics. 2000 31(3):194-199.