
Familiar Dog Aggression

Dogs with familiar dog aggression may display aggressive behavior toward dogs they recognize but do not share a household. This can occur with dogs they frequently encounter on walks or during playdates, and is characterized by aggression toward dogs with whom they have previously interacted.

Affected Genes: PRKG2


General Information: Dogs may display aggression towards familiar people for various reasons, including fear and anxiety, conflict, defensive responses, possessive behavior, redirected aggression, status-related aggression, and food guarding. Contributing factors can also include inconsistent training, a hectic environment, mishandling of the dog, and specific breed tendencies. Furthermore, medical conditions and the after-effects of medical procedures can influence a dog's aggression towards familiar individuals.

How to Read Your Dog's Results for this Trait:

Likely More Aggressive: Likely aggressive behaviors directed towards dogs that are familiar but not necessarily living in the same household. This can include aggression towards dogs they regularly encounter on walks or during playdates. It is characterized by aggression towards dogs that the subject dog recognizes and has had previous interactions with.

Possibly More Aggressive: Possible aggressive behaviors directed towards dogs that are familiar but not necessarily living in the same household. This can include aggression towards dogs they regularly encounter on walks or during playdates. It is characterized by aggression towards dogs that the subject dog recognizes and has had previous interactions with.

Not Likely Less Aggressive: Unlikely to exhibit aggressive behaviors directed towards dogs that are familiar but not necessarily living in the same household. This can include aggression towards dogs they regularly encounter on walks or during playdates. It is characterized by aggression towards dogs that the subject dog recognizes and has had previous interactions with.

Zapata I, Lilly ML, Herron ME, Serpell JA, Alvarez CE. Genetic testing of dogs predicts problem behaviors in clinical and nonclinical samples. BMC Genomics. 2022 23(1):102.