MIPEP (Coat Length)
Affected Genes: MIPEP
Inheritance: Autosomal Recessive
chr25:14953047: C>G
Breed: All

General Information: Coat length is dfined by a number of genes of which MIPEP is one. Having a Wildtype MIPEP varation will cause the dog to have short hair.
How to Read Your Dog's Test Results for this Genetic Variant:
Two Variants Detected: Dog Likely Long hair
One Variant Detected: Dog Unlikely Long hair
No Variants Detected: Short haired
Gene / Testing Information: Genetic testing for Coat length involves screening for mutations in the gene associated with this trait, often the MIPEP gene. The trait for Long hair (MIPEP) is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that a dog must inherit two copies of the variant gene, one from each parent, to exhibit Long hair. Dogs with only one copy of the variation are carriers and typically do not show any symptoms but can pass the mutation to their offspring. When two carriers are bred, each puppy has a 25% chance of being Long haired , a 50% chance of being a carrier, and a 25% chance of being completely unaffected. Genetic testing allows fo rthe breedign for the correct phenotype.
Heinrich J, Berger C, Berger B, Hecht W, Phillips C, Parson W. The LASSIE MPS panel: Predicting externally visible traits in dogs for forensic purposes. Forensic Science International: Genetics 66 2023 102893