Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss (Rottweiler Type)
Affected Genes: LOXHD1
Inheritance: Autosomal Recessive
chr7:44289723: G>C
Breed: Rottweiler
General Information: Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss (NSHL) (Rottweiler Type) affects the hearing ability of Rottweilers without accompanying other clinical symptoms. Dogs affected with this condition usually exhibit signs of hearing impairment early in life, which can be definitively diagnosed through brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) testing typically around four months of age. While these dogs may not display other physical or health-related abnormalities and can lead otherwise normal lives, their quality of life and safety can be impacted by their inability to hear, necessitating adjustments to their care and environment.
How to Read Your Dog's Test Results for this Genetic Variant:
Two Variants Detected: Dog Likely Affected
One Variant Detected: Dog Unlikely Affected
No Variants Detected: No Effect
Gene / Testing Information: The genetic basis of Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss (NSHL) in Rottweilers has been traced to a mutation in the LOXHD1 gene, with the disorder inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. This means that both parents must be carriers of the mutated gene for offspring to be at risk of developing the condition. Genetic testing for the LOXHD1 mutation is essential for breeders to identify carriers and make informed breeding decisions. By testing potential breeding dogs, breeders can avoid mating two carriers, which would result in 25% of the offspring being affected by hearing loss. To prevent the propagation of this condition, it is recommended not to breed carriers with each other. Dogs that are clear of the mutation will not pass on the defective gene to their offspring, ensuring that the trait does not continue to affect the population.
Hytönen MK, Niskanen JE, Arumilli M, Brookhart-Knox CA, Donner J, Lohi H. Missense variant in LOXHD1 is associated with canine nonsyndromic hearing loss. Hum Genet. 2021 140(11):1611-1618.