Separation Urination
Affected Genes: LRIG3, MSRB3, HMGA2, IGF1, CD36, MITF, ASIP
Inheritance: Complex Inheritance
Variant(canFam6): chr10:2497363, chr10:7930588, chr10:8384178, chr15:41600572, chr15:41619150, chr18:19980308, chr20:21848845, chr24:23045895
How to Read Your Dog's Results for this Trait:
Likely: Likely urinates when left alone at night, or during the daytime.
Possible: Possibly urinates when left alone at night, or during daytime.
Not Likely: Unlikely to urinate when left alone at night, or during the daytime.
Zapata I, Lilly ML, Herron ME, Serpell JA, Alvarez CE. Genetic testing of dogs predicts problem behaviors in clinical and nonclinical samples. BMC Genomics. 2022 23(1):102.