
Touch Sensitivity

Fearful or wary responses to potentially
painful or uncomfortable procedures,
including bathing, grooming, nail-
clipping, and veterinary examinations.

Affected Genes: LRIG3, MSRB3, IGF1, CD36, RALY

Inheritance: Complex Inheritance


General Information: Dogs exhibit varying degrees of touch sensitivity, with sensitivities often localized to specific areas. Commonly sensitive spots include the paws, particularly the back ones, which can be tender. Sensitivity in the ears may stem from potential infections, while the head might be sensitive due to dental or sinus issues. Along the back, nerve endings near the spine and tail can make this area especially sensitive, particularly in older dogs with hip or spine problems. Some dogs may also be sensitive on their belly, viewing exposure of this area as risky or a submissive gesture.

How to Read Your Dog's Results for this Trait:

Likely More Sensitive: Likely fearful or wary responses to potentially painful or uncomfortable procedures, including bathing, grooming, nail- clipping, and veterinary examinations.

Possibly More Sensitive: Possibly fearful or wary responses to potentially painful or uncomfortable procedures, including bathing, grooming, nail- clipping, and veterinary examinations.

Likely Less Sensitive: Unlikely to exhibit fearful or wary responses to potentially painful or uncomfortable procedures, including bathing, grooming, nail- clipping, and veterinary examinations.

Zapata I, Lilly ML, Herron ME, Serpell JA, Alvarez CE. Genetic testing of dogs predicts problem behaviors in clinical and nonclinical samples. BMC Genomics. 2022 23(1):102.